[Now Updating] Webzine 웹진 <K-wave> Editors and Authors

2024년 갑진년(甲辰年, 청룡의 해) 새해가 밝았습니다.

새로운 기운과 함께 새로운 프로젝트를 공개합니다.

프로젝트 네임  "Kwave, 케이웨이브"는  한류(韓流, 영어: Korean Wave, Hallyu)에 대한 담론과 고민을 보다 대중적으로, 기왕이면 '영어'로 담아보자는 취지에서 비롯되었습니다. 서울대 한류연구센터(홍석경 교수)의 열정적인 지원을 바탕으로 사계에 계신 필진들의 조력이 밑거름이 되었습니다.

이미 한국 국내에는 각종 "한류" 담론이 넘실대고 있습니다. 그러나 이제 '한국과 관련된' 담론은 한글을 쓰는 한국인만의 것이 아닌, 전 세계 보편적인 인류의 관심으로 확대되었습니다. 때문에 한국인과 한류 전문가들의 관점을 세계인이 가장 접근하기 쉬운 "영어"로 보여주는 것은 어떨까 하는 취지에서 비롯되었습니다.

한류는, tv 화면에서 비치는 오락적 컨텐츠의 범주를 넘어 한국의 철학과 사상, 더 넓게는 동아시아와 아시아와 깊숙히 연관된 유행이자 역사적인 흐름으로 변모하고 있습니다. 이에 대한 더 적극적이고 폭넓은 해석과 문제제기가 필요한 시점이며, 이를 보다 진정성을 담아 텍스트화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 원고 투고의 제한은 없으며, 기존에 출간된 원고의 공유도 환영합니다.

한류와 관심 있는, 여러 강호제현의 질책과 관심, 그리고 참여를 부탁합니다.

It's 2024, the year of the blue dragon.
With new energy, we're introducing a new project, the name is Webzine 『Korean Wave Update』(www.kwave.or.kr), born from the idea of capturing the discourses and concerns about the Korean Wave (韓流, English: Korean Wave, Hallyu) in a more popular, preferably "English" language.
With the enthusiastic support of the Hallyu Research Center at Seoul National University (Prof. Hong Seok-kyeong) and the contributions of writers from all walks of life, the foundation has been laid. There is already a rich discourse on "Hallyu" in Korea, but it has expanded beyond the Korean-speaking world to include the interests of the world's universal population. The idea was to present the perspectives of Koreans and Hallyu experts in "English," the language most accessible to the world.
The Korean Wave has already become a trend and a historical phenomenon deeply connected to Korean philosophy and thought, and more broadly to East Asia and Asia in general. It is time for a more active and broader interpretation and problematization, and we aim to textualize it more authentically. There are no restrictions on submissions, and we welcome the sharing of previously published manuscripts. We look forward to receiving submissions from all those interested in the Korean Wave.

2024년 1월 1일

케이웨이브 편집진 일동

<Kwave> Editors and Authors

_Main Sponsor

_Advisor Group (Updating)

  • 홍석경 교수 (서울대) | Hong Seok-kyeong is Professor in Seoul National University at Communication Department
  • 심두보 교수 (성신여대) | Shim, Doo-Bo (Sungshin Women's University)
  • 이주현 교수 | 성균관대
  • 권재륜 | Skywalk Holdings CEO
  • 정길화 | 한국국제문화교류진흥원(KOFICE) 원장 (2021~2024)


박소정 박사 (서울대)

이성민 교수 (방송통신대)

김윤지 (한국수출입은행 해외경제연구소)

차우진 (케이팝 컬럼니스트, TMI.FM 발행인)

Editor | Jung Hojai, SNU Asia Center Visiting Scholar

After earning his bachelor's and master's degrees in business administration from Korea University and Kyung Hee University, the journalist and later Ph.D. candidate sought to gain a deep understanding of Korea through encounters with a variety of people, including locals, foreigners, people from different backgrounds, and both established politicians and emerging talents. These experiences focused on exploring the tensions between Korea's traditional society and the modern "New Korean". It also explored the potential notion of "Asia" in addressing Korea's ongoing challenges. This journey spanned several Asian countries, with a particular focus on Southeast Asia, and went beyond Korea, China, and Japan. Along the way, influential figures such as Thaksin (Thailand) and Mahathir (Malaysia) were interviewed. In 2023, he successfully completed a Ph.D. program in Comparative Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore (NUS), with a focus on Asian media, particularly state-run media in Myanmar and South Korea. She continues to be interested in comparative studies with a special focus on Southeast and Northeast Asia, especially in the areas of media and cultural policy. Korean popular culture is a particular fascination, and several books have been written, including "The Asian Age Comes Like K-Pop (2020)" and "Seeing the K Again (2021)".

Editor | Sae won Kim (Research Associate, Seoul National University)

Sae won Kim recently received an M.A. in Communication from Seoul National University. Her broader fields of interest include popular culture, cultural studies, media studies, and gender studies. She is particularly interested in exploring diverse facets of Korean popular culture, with a focus on K-pop and K-drama. Sae won aspires to further her career as a researcher specializing in Korean and East Asian popular culture. Before entering academia, she served as a journalist on the securities and international news desks. Sae won is responsible for providing English translations for columns and essays written by various experts in Korean pop culture for the 'Korean Wave Update.' She hopes to contribute to readers' insights by making these essays accessible to a broader audience.

Editor | Vanessa (Research Assoicate, Seoul National University)

Greetings, I'm Vanessa (Duo) Li, and I serve as the individual responsible for English translation and editing for this webpage. My journey has traversed multiple cultural landscapes—I was born in China, experienced life in the United States, and currently find myself immersed in the vibrant academic environment of Seoul National University, where I am pursuing a graduate degree in communication.

My academic focus revolves around East Asian pop culture, delving into the intricate dynamics of the music industry, and exploring the fascinating realm of the idol system and culture. This academic pursuit is deeply rooted in my personal background and experiences, fostering a passion for understanding how these cultural elements shape societies and bridge diverse communities. Beyond academia, my commitment to linguistic nuances and cultural sensitivity drives my role in ensuring accurate and engaging content for this webpage. As a language enthusiast, I find joy in the art of translation and strive to capture the essence of diverse cultural expressions.

In essence, my journey is a fusion of cultural experiences, academic exploration, and a commitment to fostering understanding through effective communication. I look forward to contributing to the vibrant exchange of ideas on this platform.

서울대 한류연구센터가(SNU Hallyu Center) 위치한 서울대 아시아연구소 전경